Monday, 2 September 2013

8th House(Aayu Sthaan/ Nidhan Bhava) House of Sex.

The Eighth House:House of Sex

The Eighth House is commonly referred to as the House of Sex. This House delves into relationships -- interactions with another and how certain aspects of those interactions can take on a more communal nature. It speaks to what our relationships will bring us and how we can get the most out of them.

Returning to this House's emphasis on sex, it's important to note that the French refer to an orgasm as 'le petit mort' or 'the little death.' When we reach that exalted state of communion, we leave a little of ourselves behind -- die a small death. One can also choose to view this as growth, a new beginning, the rebirth of the soul or a gain for the partnership. The Eighth House is an equal-opportunity house, placing sex, death and rebirth on the same level playing field and acknowledging the viability and importance of all three. We will all experience death and rebirth as part of our lives: failed relationships leading to new ones, career changes, a new hairstyle. We are regenerated and reborn with each new phase and should welcome them.

Shared resources also fall within the Eighth House: inheritance, alimony, taxes, insurance and support from another. Financial support, as well as spiritual, emotional and physical support, are addressed by this house. While our relationships share many of the aforementioned things, they also have their own dynamics and grow from within (we grow through our sexuality as well as through other more tangible means). That said, as much as our relationships are expansive, they also have certain constraints, many that are placed on them by society. Again, taxes, alimony and the joint nature of assets come to mind. Yes, with every opportunity we have, we may face a restriction along with it. Once again: death and rebirth.

In keeping with the transforming nature of this house, rituals are highlighted. Every group has its own way of peering in and looking deep into the soul and the past, if only to get a sense of what we truly are. What quality will our rituals take on? Exalted states or metamorphoses? What secrets do we keep and why? How we manage our interactions, relationships and rituals is important to the Eighth House -- will we be honest, effective and responsible? Will the riches generated by our relationships benefit the group (company, humankind) as a whole? Our legacies are key to this house: how we conduct ourselves now, and how that will play out for all time.

The Eighth House is ruled by Scorpio and the planets Mars and Pluto.

Planets in The Eighth House 

Sun in the 8th House
All of this is most likely to focus upon intimate involvements and deeply shared experiences - or else you can feel desperately lonely and cut off. Although this commonly means the ties of jointly owned resources with their advantages and problems, there is also the closeness experienced through sex and crisis. This is an intimacy with life itself - which also includes death. And so you can be mediumistic, in touch with the 'other side', or at least have an interest in the occult and the hidden causes behind outer phenomena.
You are the researcher or delver and can have a profound sense of the soul. And so you are looking for a profound union - which poses the surrender of your separateness. This is a purging of the 'little self', your petty values, and consequently yours can be a hard but transformative road through life. This means that you go through many changes, relationships and ways of expressing yourself until you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel - the light of your own life.

Moon in the 8th House
All these needs and feelings about yourself are kept very much to yourself. It is only in a very intimate situation, such as a sexual relationship, that you show your true emotions. Even then you can be quite hard to reach, but this is owing to the fact that you are instinctively attuned to private feelings and subtle atmospheres.
You are only too acutely aware of how closeness can be abused, probably owing to your sensing, and taking, personally something that happened between your parents. Positively, this mediumistic awareness of yours of unseen forces enables you to comfort others in a deeply subtle way. On the negative side though, you can manipulate them to keep them where you want them - but this can give rise to a painful game of cat and mouse.
Ultimately you have to trust and use your magical sense of what lies hidden from common view to heal yourself and others too, rather than feeling increasingly cut off.

Mercury in the 8th House
You use these mental capabilities in rooting out hidden information and the deep causes that are responsible for what appears on the surface. You are therefore more easily able than others to contact the significance of such mysteries as sex and death; what lies beyond the grave can fascinate you. There may well be some reason for this in your personal history, such as the disturbing death of a friend or relative, or early sexual curiosity that caused you to bite off more than you could chew. Secret information still seems to come your way - and hopefully you treat such confidential material with the respect that it demands - otherwise you could get your fingers burnt. On a material level, you could show an interest in contracts, financial deals and others' resources. 

Venus in the 8th House
These love needs and feelings of yours, whatever their nature, are drawn into deep and involved relationships that are compelling and absorbing, but hard to get out of. This urge shows itself as something decidedly alluring about your personality, especially if you are female. As far as you're concerned, love needs to go beyond the shallow and commonplace, so emotional crises should be expected and taken in your stride as unconscious desires pull you closer to that core of intimacy.
If you should attempt to satisfy these deeper sexual or soulful needs in a superficial fashion, like mere physical sex, you'd simply be deeply disappointed. In order to avoid deep bonds manifesting themselves as difficult divorce suits, binding contracts over property and access rights, etc you would have to reach and maintain a deep set of moral values.

Mars in the 8th House
Notwithstanding this, your urges and desires do well up from some quite deep and desperate place. There is an intensity about you that wants to get right down to the nitty-gritty. This can be expressed in certain ways - like sex, wheeling and dealing, dangerous activities, or anything else that makes you feel close to the edge, in touch with the core of life. The occult, the astral plane and any site of power exercises a pull on you.

In other words, you are desirous of getting in touch with forces greater than yourself. This is fine as long as you are conscious of this and exercise some caution - but not too much. Paradoxically, a fear of these forces can prevent you from getting what you want. Put it this way: You are turned on by power - and powerful when turned on. 

Jupiter in the 8th House
Faith for you does not come easily. It is as if an old faith has to die before a new one can be born. There can also be a period of being stuck without any faith at all. However, your faith in life is most likely to be found or restored when things seem to be at their darkest.

Indeed it is from out of the death of someone or something that you draw most benefit. This could take the form of a legacy, a divorce settlement, a near death experience, a guide from the 'other side', a market insight, or some profound insight born out of a crisis. It is in hidden goodness - especially in your partner - that you find faith and joy.

Saturn in the 8th House
These lessons and tests mainly relate to involvements of an intimate nature, where sexuality and shared values and resources are a critical issue. The challenge of finding a position of strength for yourself presents itself in dilemmas focusing upon control. For example, seeking to control your partner in order to maintain closeness, or finding yourself under their control because of your doubts about how to stand your own ground.

The granting or withholding of sexual intercourse or secret information are the main instruments of control. Shared property can also become a manipulative device as it has become a symbol of the emotions that have been invested in the relationship but which have not been looked at honestly. Essentially, you're learning what deep commitment means. Ultimately you have to let go of your fear of closeness and be honest about your desperate need for it in order to attain it.

Uranus in the 8th House
Your urge for change and awakening and the freedom that comes with them, makes itself felt in areas of your life relating to intimacy and sexuality, joint or others' resources, and hidden causes. These areas are usually very fraught with intense passions and emotions that are painfully hard to control. You are trying to gain some detached, scientific objectivity in all this and more often than not you have to find just that through being flung into the deep end.So crises like divorce, tax or property problems, sexual difficulties and death itself, present you with the challenge to be detached but not totally unattached, which would pose an emotional problem in itself. In the process you can become quite the trouble-shooter with respect to such problems, discover important secrets and ultimately get into the clear as suddenly as you got thrown into the pit.

Neptune in the 8th House
For you, such sensitivity and yearning is a very private affair. Your longing for enlightenment or escape surfaces within intimate relationships, at times of crisis, or in the face of such mysteries as death and other planes of existence. This is a heady mixture, so you can be easily spooked by the unknown and ecstatic and therefore try to avoid or reason them away, or else you could become quite addicted to such things.
Sexuality can be particularly elevating, or enslaving, depending on your sexual attitude, stability and inclination generally. A more grounded expression of your marked sensitivity could be a sixth sense about legacies, taxes, investing other people's resources, etc.Ultimately, you are seeking to surrender and dissolve your illusions of separateness in a wave of transcendental emotion. All or nothing, it would seem - but that in itself is an illusion - more a case of all and nothing.

Pluto in the 8th House
You experience power and transformation in your most intimate and critical moments and relationships. When you get close to someone or something, a deep and possibly obsessive feeling takes you over. This can lead to any number of scenarios which somehow get you in it up to your neck - be it financial in the form of shared property, investments, tax, etc - or emotional in the form of ties that are very difficult to break until you have thoroughly understood what dark or deep part of your being got you into it in the first place.
By the same token, you do have a sense that there is something heavy and omnipotent lurking some place in the uncharted depths of your being but you may be entirely unaware of this until some crisis of the nature I've already described brings it to the surface.This could be a sexual involvement which elicits previously undreamed of sensations; the divorce that brings out acrimony and greed where previously there was love and tenderness; or even a brush with death itself. These are some of the possible manifestations that may have to occur in order to remind you that there is an undeniably deep and powerful truth in life.

Rahu (North Node)
Natal will have – ill tempered (short tempered) lack of diplomacy, malefic thoughts, problems with testicles (large testicles), and disease related to stomach – lever etc., unacceptable or undesirable to seniors. Foreign travels.
Chronicle diseases, Vaat, testicle related issues, stomach related disease are common. Possibility of un-known chronicle disease.
Well placed Rahu indicates – recognition by government or employer, natal will enjoy gentle thoughts, healthy – wealthy and enjoys happy elderly period of life.
Ketu (South Node)
Ketu placed in Scorpio, Virgo, Aries or Gemini sign indicates – benefits from government, sports and perfection in work. This position also indicates – good character, happiness, good entrepreneurship and will enjoy a long span of life.
Afflicted Ketu indicates – not easy to recover advances or loan given to others or problems in recovery of loans. Possibility of loss of friends, tension, injuries, excess of opposition and fear from vehicles.
Possibility of haemorrhoids and piles etc. and dental issues.

Eighth House Lord in Different Houses
Eighth House Lord in Ascendant (First House)
Any planet placed in ascendant occupies Center and Trine of the chart. It’s a good position for eighth house lord, but will afflict ascendant and seventh house. Longevity of natal will improve or better to say life span of natal will improve. This improvement or span of life will be based on connectivity and strength of eighth house lord.
Malefic influence on eighth house lord or eighth house may not improve life span but benefic associations and influence will give good longevity. Health of natal will suffer and struggle throughout life.
Aries and Libra ascendant will have eighth house lord in its own house indicates – eighth house lord will not damage health of natal. Venus as eighth house lord in Pisces ascendant will be in exalted sign. This position will give long life. Such position will give indicate – good wealth, good longevity and influential personality etc.
Eight House Lord in Second House
Eighth house lord will aspect its own house indicates – long life, considering that no affliction. No planet will enjoy exaltation or friends house position. Rather Mercury will be in debilitated sign in Aquarius sign.
Eight house lords normally afflict second house which indicates – suffer for financial status, cannot regain lost wealth and also affect Manliness of male natal. This position will provide hidden wealth or inherited property.
This position is not good for family life. Natal has to live separately from spouse.
Eighth House Lord in Third House
Eighth house lord is placed in eighth house from its own house. According to Vedic astrology, this position is known as Bhavat Bhavam. It’s a reflection house of eighth house. This position indicates – longevity of natal will improve but aspect on ninth house will afflict this house, hence father and fate etc. will be affected.
Natal may not be in good relationship with father and siblings. Lack of valour and mental disturbance will reflect on his/her life. Natal may not have Manliness and without servants.
Eighth House Lord in Fourth House
Fourth house indicates – happiness, mother, vehicle and property etc. It’s a trine placement from eighth house. Benefic planet may give positive to longevity whereas malefic planets or influences may adverse results.
Natal may not have happiness from mother, his/her mother may have to face ill health or natal may not have mother. It’s not a good position for land, building, property, vehicle and happiness etc.
Eighth House Lord in Fifth House
Fifth house indicates – Progeny, education and Intelligence etc. Eighth house lord in this house is at the tenth house from its own house.
This position will increase life span of natal, but will weaken progeny, intellect, wit and education etc. but wealthy.
Exalted and own house position can give knowledge towards history and different languages etc. Pisces ascendant – natal can be mining engineer.
Eighth House Lord in Sixth House
Natal will be capable of overcoming on the enemies but will have diseased life. During childhood days, natal must take care of water and poison or reaction of medicine or wrong medicine etc. This can be fatal. Loss of life is possible.
Eighth House Lord in seventh House
Eighth house lord in seventh house will aspect ascendant. Only Aries and Libra ascendant will be benefitted, because lords of these signs will aspect their own house.
Eighth house lord in seventh house will spoil marriage or married life. Natal may have more than one relationship or spouses. This may be due to marriages or some other reasons, such as separation etc.
Eighth House Lord in Eighth House
Longevity of Natal will be good. If eighth house lord has weak in strength then will have Madhyayu (medium life span) and may be a thief etc. May not be doing dignified deeds but will be criticizing others.
Eighth House Lord in Ninth house
Eighth house lord in the house of religion indicates – spoiling own religion. Second from its own house, longevity improves – may live long life.
Natal will have cunning spouse.
Eighth House Lord in Tenth House
Eighth house lord in the house of profession indicates – affliction in profession. Natal may have disturbed professional life or may have quick change of job or profession.
But this position is good for longevity because eighth house has gone to its third house.
Eighth House Lord in Eleventh House
Eleventh house is known for increasing significations. That means – good for longevity and other significations of eighth house lord.
Natal may have poor status in early part of life but in the later part of life will have better propsarity.
Eighth House Lord in Twelfth House
This position indicates – not a good position for longevity, natal may have short span of life. But auspicious connections can improve longevity of natal.
Natal may spent or waste his/her money on sinful or wrong deeds.

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