Tuesday 10 September 2013

Vedic Astrological Remedies- Gemstone Therapy.

Vedic Astrological Remedies- Gemstone Therapy.

Vedic astrology has three parts in which the third part is called Remedial Astrology. The second part is called Predictive Astrology, popularly used to predict the future of a person. But precautions taken against inauspicious planetary results, come under the sphere of Remedial Astrology. Let’s begin with some remedies prescribed by astrologers.

Gemstone remedies
Every planet has a gem and a sub-gem. Astrologers suggest gems and sub-gems to receive benefic influence from the planet of that gem. Original and high quality gems works wonders. But in these days top-class gems are rare and only the luckiest person can get them. It is very difficult to achieve original gems today. 
Today markets are crowded with imitation gems and common people are unable to identify the right gems and wear them. The fake gems are ineffective and cannot give you any benefits and this creates a question mark on the credibility of astrology as well as on wearing gems. 
If you use a fake gem, gem-therapy and its related remedies like color-therapy and stone-therapy become ineffective. Even if a person acquired the real gem, it will have an impact only during its period in the Vimshottari Mahadasha or sub-period. Gems manufactured in a laboratory do not have any impact, so be very careful while buying gems. 
Yantra Remedies
The finished product of the inscription of Mantras of gods and goddesses on metals like steel, copper etc is called Yantra. Yantra is also called the structure of Mantra. They are energized on a specific moment using mantras of the deity involved. After this, the Mantra of the deity is chanted a specific number of times sitting in front of the Yantra. In this way the Yantra gets activated and then can be installed in the prayer room. It must be worshipped daily with incense sticks and candles to get good results out of it. You can also keep purified small Yantra in the shape of a pendant or may even tie it to your arms. 
A person should be religious and honest as Yantra works well if regularly worshipped with a pure heart. It’s non-effective for atheists.
Fast Remedies
The importance of fasting has been observed from ancient times. Fast can be performed both for a desire and without desire. Here I will discuss desirous fast. Girls keep fasts for sixteen and twenty two weeks to get married and attain wealth respectively. 
For marriage Jupiter, and for accumulating wealth Venus is worshipped. If one keep his/her fast upto sixteen weeks and or twenty-two weeks then special rituals are performed in the last week of the fast. A person must keep the fast for the day, and break it within of the sunrise the next day. In this way in a purified manner fasting can give the person good results.
Chanting Remedies
To calm planets and get benefits from them mantras related to the planets should be recited.  Recitations can be categorized into Vedic, Ancient, Material, Trantrik and Saabar recitational branches. There are separate norms, numbers, to recite a mantra and for special mantras there are special garlands. 
Example: basil garlands are used for Vaishnav mantras, Rudraksha garland for Shiv mantras, and Lotus seeds garland are used for Laxmi mantra recitation. To get desires results, the person must chant the mantras for the prescribed number of days and prescribed number of times. Only then the mantra will yield effect.
Yajna Remedies
Yajna is a religious way of remedy to fulfill one’s desire. From the Vedas we get to know that Yajnas were performed in ancient times and were very important in the daily lives of our ancestors. Some important Yajnas that were performed to fulfill desires in the Vedic period were: Rajasuya Yajna, Ashwamedha Yajna, and Mahamrityunjaya Yajna.

Astrology and Gemstones are considerably related. Gemstones are recommended based on your horoscope. It is also very important to wear the right Gemstone as per your natal chart. We at Cyber Astro provide you the guidelines to help you choose the right gemstone and also a whole range of astrology Gemstone.

Certain gemstones, worn originally for their decorative value, have been found to bring a peace of mind to the wearer, and even affect bodily healing. Gemstones are guides that focus energies and help individuals get in touch with the universal forces that surround them. But they are not the forces themselves, merely the reflection of energies that are already present and are amplified and tuned for a person's use, not misuse.

Gemstones have fascinated mankind since prehistoric times. Beyond their intrinsic beauty, these special crystals can somehow focus the miraculous hidden energy of the universe. Much of the valuable data about gemstones has been lost in the past few centuries. Miraculously, some of this priceless information has recently been recovered. New disclosures on the effects of gemstones have been made available through trance "channelers," who have brought back information lost thousands, even millions of years ago.
Although many of the beneficial effects of gemstones are not directly explainable by our limited knowledge of the physical world, we do know that all gemstones possess a crystalline structure. Crystalling structures can collect, focus, and emit electromagnetic energy. Scientists have long known that a crystal set in an energy field will collect and focus that energy. They also know that if a crystal is squeezed, it will release its own internal energy (the piezoelectric effect). Yet science is not even close to understanding how truly powerful crystals are in the more important task of focusing life energy. Of all the natural crystals, Quartz is perhaps the master gemstone. Chemically, Quartz is composed of silicon and oxygen (SiO2), a combination known to geologists as the building block of minerals. In fact, most of our planet is made up of minerals containing SiO2. Silicon dioxide is also an important constituent of our body, which may be the physical basis for our connection to crystals. The transfer of enregy from the natural crystal to our body's silicon could have something to do with healing. Each mineral crystal has its special influence, function, and vibration. There are no two crystals exactly alike. The energy emitted by gemstones can be tapped as long as the wearer chooses to make use of the stone. Natural gemstones do not lose their power with age or use. Their energy comes from the cosmos and, once activated, is eternal. Natural gemstones and crystals are stronger in their powers than those that are synthetic (man-made).
The misuse of gemstones can have consequences as well. Much folklore speaks of good luck and bad. With crystals, however, there is no such thing as a lucky or unlucky stone. Gemstones are believed to affect the etheric web that lies just outside the field of vision. Human bodies are surrounded by an electromagnetic field that is sometimes visible in special pictures known as Kirlian photographs. This field is often charged with electricity. Gemstones also have their fields of electricity that, when worn on the body or carried in close proximity to a person, will affect the body of the person as well. Chakras are the seven main energy centers of the body according to eastern medicine. They are in the center of the body, starting at the base of the spine and running up the top of the head.
1. Root/Base Chakra
2. Sex/Navel Chakra
3. Stomach/Solar Plexus Chakra
4. Heart Chakra
5. Throat Chakra
6. Brow/Third Eye Chakra
7. Crown Chakra
The body needs all of the following seven color rays: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each color ray is associated with one or more of the chakras. By using a color ray that supports a particular chakra, a person can speed healing of the associated areas and organs.

Single Chakra Therapy
In this form of chakra therapy, a person works on a single chakra only. The individual places a gemstone or strand of gemstones on a chakra and keeps them there from 3-25 minutes. The person must find what feels best for him/her. If a stone ever feels very uncomfortable, he/she should remove it immediately. Another way to approach this therapy is to take a single stone and sequentially work your way up the chakras to find our which chakra the stone works on. The following stones are recommended for each of the seven chakras:
1. Root/Base Chakra: Black Onyx/Obsidian
2. Sex/Navel Chakra: Carnelian
3. Stomach/Solar Plexus Chakra: Citrine
4. Heart Chakra: Rose Quartz/Ruby
5. Throat Chakra: Indigo (translucent sodalight)/Purple Rainbow
6. Brow/Third Eye Chakra: Amethyst/Aquamarine/Lapis Lazuli/Clear Quartz
7. Crown Chakra: Amethyst/Clear Quartz
All Chakra Therapy
The easies method for this therapy is to take seven Clear Quartz spheres or seven strands of frosted Quartz and place them on all the chakras, starting at the base chakra and working your way up. The stones should stay on for approximately 5-25 minutes. The strands should be removed in the opposite order, starting from the crown chakra and working your way down.
Common cures:
Amethyst is a violet-colored Quartz stone found in Brazil, Canada, Sri Lanka, and parts of East Africa. Amethyst has a direct link to the mind; Edgar Cayce suggested it for control of temperament. It bolsters the production of the hormones, and strenghtens the cleansing organs, the circulatory system and blood, the immune system, and body metabolism. Amethyst soothes the nervous system and aids in the transmission of neural signals. Memory skills improve with the use of this stone in therapy.
Bloodstone, commonly found in Russia and India, is deep green with flecks of red, often resembling drops of blood. Technically, it is a type of opaque Quartz. The circulatory system is most affected by bloodstone: it helps purify toxic blood and detoxify the kidneys, liver, and spleen. To a lesser extent, Bloodstone is said to benefit the bones, heart, and reproductive organs, all of which are blood-rich.
Brass is a common alloy made by combining Copper and Zinc. This metal is recommended by healers as helpful to people who have unusually high levels of metal in their bloodstream, since it is a blood cleanser and detoxifier. It is also suggested for hair loss.
Calcite is an abundant crystal that comes in shades of white, gray, black, green, yellow, blue, brown, or red. It is very beneficial for the cleansing organs, bones, joints, and for sharpening mental clarity. One of the greatest benefits of using or carrying Calcite is its help in boosting memory.
Carnelian is one of the most abundantly available and popular members of the Chalcedony family. The stone, a type of Quartz, is translucent or clear and comes in a variety of colors. Carnelian is very in tune with the energies of the earth. Carnelian strongly influences the reproductive organs. The earth is often used as a symbol for fertility, and Carnelian is in tune with the earth's energy. It is a good purifier for both the liver and the blood, and it is excellent for lower back trouble.
Clear Quartz (Rock Crystal or White Quartz):
Clear Quartz crystal is a dedicated healer. Pure white light passes through it easily, leaving all the colors of the spectrum unaltered. Clear Quartz acts as a purifier and tunes into the frequency of each individual. It works at a vibrational level to return the body to its least altered or diseased state. If specific areas or organs are blocked from transmitting or receiving the flow of energy throughout the body, Clear Quartz will unblock them. Thus, Clear Quartz crystals play an important role in creating harmony and helping to balance all stimuli, positive and negative.
Ruby is a gemstone that must be carefully scrutinized before choosing it for healing purposes. The classic stone is usually a deep, brilliant red but can be found in shaded of pink or lavender. Rubies are found in the United States, India, and Sri Lanka. Ruby can bring anger or negativity to the surface quickly. However, Ruby can also amplify positive energy, heightening whatever purity you already possess. Rubies benefit the heart and circulatory system, and can assist in the filtration and detoxification of the body. Rubies are also good for the eyes.
Sapphire is a serene stone. It usually comes in a shade of deep blue, although it can also comes in shades of gray, black, yellow, and green. Sapphires are found in the United States, Australia, and India. Sapphires lesses tension and can be an important stone for people with confusion of depression. The usefulness of Sapphire as an eye stone for the removal of all impurities or foreign bodies was noted by Albertus Magnus.
Silver is a good metal for healing purposes because it is in tune with the energies of the body. The dental and medical professions have both used Silver with great success for a wide variety of reconstructive implants. Silver benefits the circulation and detoxifies the blood. It helps the body recognize imbalances or high levels of hormones and chemicals more readily, enabling them to be naturally corrected. Silver helps the lungs and throat and reduces irritation by pollutants and other impurities in the air. The physical functions of the brain will work with greater ease because silver improves the transmission of nerve impulses. People with degenerative brain disease, poor memory, irrational fears (phobias), and emotional imbalance should strongly consider silver. Silver helps balance the functions of both sides of the brain. It aids in verbal and representational communication. It can help resolve sexual problems that result from dysfunction or impotence. Mental clarity is clarified by Silver and it may lessen anxiety over problem-solving.
Copper is a plentiful metal ore that has been used for centuries both for utilitarian and decorative purposes. It ranges in color from a soft red-brown to a deep brick red. Copper is used by medical science for many ailments, particularly for inflammation. Copper will aid in the fight against inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism, particularly when used in conjunction with other stones. Copper helps stabilize the metabolism and heightens the actions of the cleansing organs and the immune system. The blood also benefits from Copper because Copper is a major constituent of the hemoglobin molecule found in red blood cells.
Copper is beneficial for the lungs, improving the exchange of oxygen and filtering out pollutants. Soft tissue and mucous membranes retain more moisture and become less susceptible to irritation through exposure to Copper.
Diamond's are considered by some to be the purest expression of gemstones the earth has ever produced. Their clarity and ability to refract the entire light spectrum is peerless in the gem world. They are without question the hardest substance produced by nature. If worn alone, a Diamond will amplify the energy of the wearer. Some gem literature contends that the blue light within the color spectrum of a Diamond is beneficial for glaucoma. This is because of Diamond's ability to reefract all colors without diluting or filtering them. It has also been suggested that Diamond's are beneficial to the brain and testicles. If worn, Diamonds are recommended for the earlobes.
Emerald is an important stone to anyone who works in science or healing. It provides inspiration and helps those in need of balance, healing, and infinite patience. Emerald comes from the Beryl family, and is found in shades of green varying from very light to very deep. An Emerald helps the wearer gain physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium.
Garnets range in color from deep emerald green through yellow, brown, and red. Garnets stimulate creativity, passion, and the circulatory system. When used in conjunction with the pituitary gland, Garnets help to provide past-life information.
For centuries gold has been coveted not only for its monetary value but for its amazing purity. No other metal achieves such astonishing flexibility in both its pure and alloyed states. Modern medical science uses gold for numerous reconstructive purposes as well as a remedy for any diseases such as arthritis. Gold is also known for being the softest metal. Gold benefits the nervous system and improves the ability of the nerves to transmit information in the most efficient manner. It helps digestion and aids the body in the proper assimilation of food. The circulatory system and blood will benefit from Gold, which serves to detoxify the blood. Hormonal and chemical imbalances can be better controlled since all glands that determine the levels of these substances will work with greater efficiency. Gold can be of great importance to individuals with degenerative diseases, such as heart disease or arthritis, because it helps rid the body of blockages. Gold helps you find ways to better control emotional extremes or deal better with stressful situations. Gold increases the ability of the body to exchange oxygen from the lungs to the blood, thereby helping the brain work more efficiently. It is also an amplifier of impressive strength.
Jade is, quite simply, a peaceful stone. There are two varieties of Jade, Jadeite and Nephrite. Jade comes in a wide range of colors that include white, lavender, red, brown, yellow, orange, blue, and green. While all Jade has some healing influence, each color relates more specifically to cerrtain ailment or organs. It strengthens the body's filtratin and cleansing systems and assists in the removal of toxins. Jade is very beneficial to the heart. Jade has a curative power that is effective for various forms of kidney and bladder stones.
Limestones is a plentiful mineral found worldwide. It comes in a great variety of colors, including black, white, brown, red, yellow, and green. It is reputed as a detoxifier of the body and brain. It rids one of blockages of all kinds.
Onyx, a secretive stone, varies in color from black or white to translucent with striated layers of red, pink, brown, and yellow. It is found in Italy, United States, and Mexico. It is a strength-giving stone, a good stone for athletes or people under extreme mental and emotional stress. Physically, Onyx is said to be good for teeth and bones.
Pearls are calcified objects made by shellfish from the very same material that they use to form their protective shells. Pearls are usually pale white or cream-colored, though darker blue, gray, and even black variations exist. Pearl, if used properly, will lessen stress and its resulting maladies: hypertension, headaches, and exhaustion. This may help to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Pearls are also an aid in digestion and may reduce the chance of developing ulcers.
  • Neck and low back pains
  • Whiplash
  • temporomandibular joint syndrome
  • Muscle tension
  • Hypertension
  • Brain injuries
  • Tension headaches
  • Tiredness
  • Dyskinesia
  • Muscle paralysis caused by cerebrovascular accidents
  • Colitis or other bowel inflammations
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Stomach acidity
  • Irritable bowel syndome
Quartz made possible the computer revolution. (it is what makes up our electronic chips, or integrated circuits.) The effects of acupuncture are reported to be increased by ten to twelve percent when the needles are coated with quartz crystal. Quartz also enhances muscle testing and protects individuals from certain kinds of radiation. A plethora of gemstones are useful in meditation because they soothe the mind and promote a serene, placid state of mind and atmosphere. Calcite, for instance, is used by people who meditiate because the color is linked to the sun and light.Gemstone/Chakra/Crystal therapy utilizes many of the features of energy medicine, particularly its devotion to energy fields and the seven chakras of the body.
Modern medicine's perspective:

Gemstone/Chakra/Crystal therapy is still seen in many circles as nothing but spiritual fanaticism or unscientific, non-empirical chicanery. While gemstone therapy's loose association with astrology and religion has not helped to further its development as a healing institution, its emphasis on energy is becoming increasingly compatible with many other alternative medicine disciplines. Massage therapy, network chiropractic, and therapeutic touch all express a firm belief in the chakras of the body and their importance in balancing health. This chakra belief is slowly becoming more widely known to the public, and thus, gemstone therapy is beginning to come into its own as a legitimate alternative medicine therapy, at least among proponents of alternative medicine.


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  3. Hessonite Gemstone is used to provide prosperity and success to the business enterprise. And Ruby Gemstone preferred for achieving success in career Growth. Gemstones For Career Growth

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  5. Gem therapy is a natural way to care for the body with minerals and crystals; it's that simple. This is an ancestral technique used to relieve pain, harmonize and balance the mind, reduce stress, or for self-healing.
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  6. Gem therapy is an alternative form of healing. Practitioners of this therapy believe that gemstones carry certain vibrations which when placed within a person's aura, has the effect of changing it. It is believed that the human aura consists of nine colours, namely: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, re, infra red and ultra violet.
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  7. The Vedas are acknowledged as the authority on gems, their description, potencies and prescription for effective use. According to the Vedas, imbalances could be set right either by wearing gems against one's skin or using them as an ingredient to make medicines and potions to be taken internally.
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  8. Amethyst is likewise an extraordinary precious stone of voyagers, so conveying a piece with you when you are taking adventures is an awesome method to tackle its vitality for assurance and security while voyaging. know more

  9. Gemstone specialist in delhi must be installed morally justified and right metal White. It should be worn on the finger of the correct hand working. Precious stones are usually set in rings or pendants, allowing the stone lightly contact the skin.
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