Monday 2 September 2013

7th House (Patni Bhava) House of Marriage,Partnerships.

Seventh House(Patni Bhava) House of Marriage Partnerships.

The Seventh House is commonly referred to as the House of Partnership. With this house, we see a shift away from the self toward another -- a partner. By cooperating with and relating to another we unite for the purpose of achieving something. Purpose is important to the Seventh House -- the act of accomplishing something great or small for the self, the partnership and even society as a whole. In uniting with another, we also become a more valuable member of our world: we make a contribution, one small cog in the wheel of life. We have purpose. Cooperation and partnership help to expedite our purpose in life.

Through a partnership, we fill out our essential being. Suddenly, we see ourselves in context. Through a partnership in which we work, play, love and/or create, we are fully formed and completed. The other half helps to make us whole. Ultimately, how we relate to others will help to define the success we have as a human being and as a member of humankind.

The Seventh House shows us that partnerships can take many forms: marriage, business relationships, contracts, legalities, negotiations and agreements. We will cooperate to a greater or lesser extent in these varied partnerships. The quality of that cooperation, in essence how we relate to the other, is key to the Seventh House. Why do we choose this partnership? Is it for love or money? Practical reasons? Social considerations? There are many reasons for uniting with another. We may choose to fill voids we see in ourselves. We may simply want the company and companionship of another. The partnerships we form say a great deal about ourselves and also serve to teach us much. This house wants us to know that the quality of our partnerships will enhance our lives, make them fuller, more special and better for everyone.

Tensions within a partnership also serve to teach us lessons. For this reason, the Seventh House also focuses on the darker side of our unions. Divorce, lawsuits and treaties all fall within this house. At its worst, a partnership may create enemies -- and on a more global scale, these rifts can deteriorate into war. It is our reaction to this adversity which will shape the partnerships yet to come.

Sun in the 7th House
Your Sun Profile potentials are most likely to be central to the nature and pursuance of your actual career. In other words, having a professional position is vitally important to you. This can mean that you proceed quite quickly up the career ladder because you know what you want early on.

Moon in the 7th House
All of these needs and feelings particularly affect your partnerships, for you are inclined to look for security primarily in a relationship with another person. This can mean that you marry merely for security and then find out that the price you pay for this is that your partner embodies much that you don't like, or don't want to know, about yourself.

Mercury in the 7th House
These mental capabilities of yours will actually find a professional outlet in the form of being a writer, journalist, broadcaster, spokesperson, or anything that has to do with communication or manual or mental dexterity: transport, trading, accounting, secretarial, printing, to name a few.

Venus in the 7th House
You are inclined to experience these values and senses (or the need for them) as belonging to someone else - like your partner or people in general, but really they are a part of you, which you should own. If you do not, you will be inclined to suffer the negative aspects only. By the same token, you tend to look for your own worth and beauty in someone else, with the result that .

Mars in the 7th House
Now it would seem that you initially experience these qualities of drive and self-assertion as coming from others - and one other in particular. This is especially so if you are female. This being the case, you are also more likely to encounter the negative aspects. In truth however, the nature and power of your own .

Jupiter in the 7th House
You are attracted to relationships that have these kind of expansive and philosophical qualities about them. You and your partner probably travel around together quite a lot - or are happy to travel apart at times. Generally speaking, your relationships have an open and generous nature. However, it is only too likely that you will come to expect rather too much of your mate - and he or she will be .

Saturn in the 7th House
These lessons and responsibilities that you're supposed to be working on in yourself could be mistakenly projected onto a partner. You expect them to be putting right that which is really your department. When you do get down to it yourself - which essentially means that you're . 

Uranus in the 7th House

Forces for change and urges for freedom make themselves felt in an area where most of us would like stability: relationships. But, consciously or unconsciously, you are attracted to unconventional relationships and partners, ones that keep you alive to the fact that you are both individual beings with individual desires for more than just a secure and predictable social and love life. Shared interests, often of a curious or alternative kind, help to keep a relationship alive because .

Neptune in the 7th House
You look for sensitivity and idealism in others - or one other in particular. You project onto your partner all those things that you long for in a mate. This can only too easily give rise to your having great love affairs which are followed by equally great disappointments. Furthermore, your partner becomes like a drug to you, because you become .

Pluto in the 7th House
The issue of power and transformation presents itself to you in your dealings with others - especially in a one-to-one relationship like marriage, so you're forced to confront the true nature of your deepest fears and desires and to establish a balance of power between you and your mate, or whoever.
This is not easy because it necessitates some in-depth . 

Seventh House Lord in Different Houses
Seventh House Lord in Ascendant
This position indicates – ascendant is connected with outside world. Native will be very cunning, wicked but will be perfect in work.
Native’s mind is with spouse. Natal will be crazy for the spouse. (Both the houses are shadow of each other). Normally, natal will prefer to marry with well-known person, may be from childhood days. But this marriage will happen only in that condition when horoscope will confirm promise of marriage.
In case of weak ascendant lord, and seventh house is afflicted by malefic planets, then natal may have many marriages or relationships. Dasha or sub dasha of Seventh Lord will indicate death of spouse. Conjunction of seventh and sixth house lord indicates more than one marriage.
Afflicted seventh house lord and seventh house indicates – no marriage or natal will not go for marriage.
Seventh House Lord in Second House
Seventh house lord in eighth house from its own house – longevity of spouse is reduced (according to classics – death of either spouse or self is possible), in case of affliction dangerous situation, possibility of accident/operations etc. In case of second house lord in own sign, situation will be improved or protected.
This position indicates – financial gains from marriage, affliction will indicate – natal may be involved in sex related business. In case of seventh house lord in dual sign and affliction will indicate – multiple marriage. Sexual desire will be high and mentally unstable.
Seventh House Lord in Third House
One Kam Trikon in another Kam Trikon, indicates – increase of sexual desire and materialistic desire. Association with the house will indicate type of profession or source of profession. Such as linkage with ninth house will indicate – income from religion or link with eighth or sixth house will indicate income from wrong deed (sin).
Siblings may live in foreign lands and be successful. Natal may establish physical relationship with the spouse of sibling.
Seventh House Lord in Fourth House
Natal will enjoy happiness from spouse. Natal may live away from home (if linkage is with 9th, 11th and 12th house). Good situation for progeny. Natal will enjoy higher education and many vehicles.
Affliction will indicate – problem with spouse, vehicle and lack of happiness from home.
Seventh House Lord in Fifth House
Lord of Centre in trine – Rajyog. Lord of spouse is in eleventh house from its own house – will increase desire of spouse or will increase relationships.
Normally such position gives early marriage and wealthy spouse. This position indicates love relationship and can give love marriage.
Seventh House Lord in Sixth House
Sixth house indicates disease, disputes etc. and seventh house lord in sixth house – such situation is not a good position.
This situation indicates – more than one marriage, marriage with cousin sister or brother (or relationship). If (Karak) Venus is afflicted then this position indicates – impotency.
Normally spouse will have ill health and possibly loss of spouse due to death or divorce. Horoscope of female will indicate – delay in marriage only blessings from Jupiter can change this situation, but cannot amend fully.
Seventh House Lord Seventh house
Seventh house lord in its own house indicates – strong position, aspects ascendant. Charming and attractive personality, male or female will follow natal. Spouse will be good and from a good family. Partner and friends will also be good.
This position indicates – perfection in profession or the work done by natal.
Affliction in this position will natal may have to be without spouse or friends.
If any malefic planet is placed in seventh house of a female and any planet is placed in Ninth house then it’s a Sanyas Yog.
For Male malefic planet in seventh house indicates another relationship or marriage and auspicious planet indicate Sanyas.
Seventh House Lord in Eighth House
Seventh House Lord in second house from its own house indicates – spouse of natal can be a rich and wealthy person. But Marak (lord of death) in the house of Longevity will reduce the longevity of spouse, the death of spouse at some distant place from own place. Natal may enjoy long life, but lack of happiness from spouse.
Chance of multiple marriage and in case of divorce – difficult and painful situations for natal.
Affliction in this situation will neither allow for divorce nor give a good life (natal has to face difficult married life).
For females seventh house lord in eighth house is very painful situation.
Seventh House Lord in Ninth House
Center lord in trine indicates – Rajyog. Natal can be a religious guru (teacher or preacher). Natal may have relationship with many opposite sex persons.
This situation indicates – if relationship with Rahu-Ketu / linkage with 12th house with give foreign journey and possibility of settling down at foreign lands.
Natal may use religion for the fulfilment of his/her desire.
Seventh House Lord in Tenth House
Success in trades related to foreign country and natal’s spouse will be helpful in his/her profession. Natal will have self-reliance spouse and of good character – faithful to the natal.
Natal will normally be blessed with son.
Seventh House Lord in Eleventh House
Natal will enjoy happiness and desires increased. Spouse house lord is placed in gains, indicates – gains from marriage or rich and wealthy spouse.
When seventh house is strong and afflicted by malefic aspect will indicate – possibility of multiple marriage or relationship. But auspicious aspect will deny such position.
Seventh House Lord in Twelfth House
This position indicates – possibility of more than one spouse or relationship or expenditure on spouse is too much. Twelfth house indicates – imprisonment also, so because of above mentioned relationships may give imprisonment.
Seventh House represent business and twelfth house indicates foreign land, that means, this position indicates – business related to foreign country (such as import-export or other possibilities too).

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