What is Janma Rashi(Moon Sign)?
What is Lagna(Sun Sign)?
Janma-rashi is the Rashi occupied by Chandra at the time of birth, Indian birth signs are therefore moon signs.
Vedlc Astrological judgments are based on Janma-rashi and Janma-nakshatra of birth. Each Rashi stays at the Eastern horizon for about two hours and becomes the Janma-lagna for all births which take place during those two hours.
Lagna or Janma-lagna is the Rashi rising at the Eastern horizon at the moment of birth.
The sun signs changes from month to month. The Janma-lagna changes every two hours on each day. That is why people born on the same day, but at different hours have the same sun sign in western astrology but different Janma-Iagnas in Vedic Astrology. There are twelve Lagnas.
1. Mesha
2. Vrishabha
3. Mithuna
4. Karka
5. Simha
6. Kanya
7. Tula
8. Vrischika
9. Dhanu
10. Makara
11. Kumbha
12. Meena
2. Vrishabha
3. Mithuna
4. Karka
5. Simha
6. Kanya
7. Tula
8. Vrischika
9. Dhanu
10. Makara
11. Kumbha
12. Meena
Naming a child according to astrology
When giving a name to a new born child you need to find the auspicious sounding starting letters for the name. It is believed when such an auspicious sounding name is constantly repeated over the years to come; it will act as a "Manthra" which will bring good luck for the child.
These are three ways of finding letters. The crudest way is according to the Day, It is like giving the name "Chandra" to all the babies born on Mondays.
For the second and third methods you need to cast the horoscope of the child and find out the "Lagna" (Rising Sign) and the "Janma Nakshatra" (Position of the Moon) of the child from the horoscope.
The letters compatible with the "Lagna" are considered the best. Then the second best are the letters according to "Janma Nakshatra". The third preference is the letters according to the Day.
01/04/1975 time 8.00 am