Friday, 23 August 2013

What is the Kalsarpa yoga ?

What is the Kalsarpa yoga ?

When all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu i.e., the moon's north node and the moon's south node Kalsarpa Yoga is formed. Complete kalsarpa yoga is formed only when half of the chart is unoccupied by planets. Even if one planet is outside the Rahu Ketu Axis there is no Kalsarpa Yoga.

As per the popular definition, when all planets are situated in between Rahu and Ketu in birth-chart or horoscope, the astrologers call it Kalsarp Dosh. Now-a-days discussions about this dosh are vogue among Jyotishi or Hindu Astrologers of India. Many of troubles in one's life are attributed to Kalsarp Dosh.

This report gives you information whether your horoscope has Kaalsarp Yoga or not. In case Kaalsarp Yoga is present in your horoscope, this report will also tell you what type of Kaalsarp yoga is present and what remedies should be performed to get rid of the negative effect of Kaalsarp Dosh.

Often people get disturbed when they hear the name of Sadesati and Kalsarpa Yoga. As a result, many Astrologer try to take an advantage of this fear that people have developed regarding Sadesati and Kalsarpa. There are many types and names of Kalsarpa Yoga. Kalsarpa Yoga should be regarded as Yoga (combination) instead of Dosha (blemish).
The meaning of Kalsarpa, is the position of planets which is as painful for the native as the pain of snake-bite. In the ancient times, Kalsarpa yoga was determined on the basis of the position of Rahu and another planets in the birth-chart. But today, many Astrologers have done fresh research on the scientific applications of astrology. This research gives information about the different names, types and definitions of Kalsarpa yoga. The definition of Kalsarpa Yoga in contemporary times is "when all planets are between Rahu and Ketu or between Ketu and Rahu, Kalsarpa Yoga is formed''.

Vedic astrology has given different names to different types of Kalsarpa Yoga. The differences have also been acknowledged in their influences .For instance, when Kalsarpa Yoga is in the first house, Anant Kalsarpa yoga is formed and is said to have a different effect than other Kalsarp Yogas.

The Types of Kalsarpa Yoga

Anant Kalsarpa Yoga
This yoga is created when Rahu is in the 1st house and Ketu is in the 7th house. The person who is influenced by this Yoga has physical and mental problems. He also get involved in problems related to legal and government matters. One of the good things about this yoga is that the person who is influenced by this Yoga, will be brave, courageous, confident and broad-minded.
Kulik Kalsarpa Yoga
When Rahu is in the 2nd house and Ketu in the 8th house then Kulik Kalsarpa Yoga is formed. The person who is influenced by this Yoga bears financial loss. His family life is also full of struggle and conflicts. They also do not have a good rapport in the society.

Vasuki Kalsarpa Yoga
When Rahu is in the 3rd house and Ketu is in the 9th house in the birth-chart, Vasuki Kalsarpa yoga is created. The person who is influenced by this Yoga has to struggle a lot in his life as well as face problems in his professional life. His luck may not be so strong and may have increased chances to be cheated by his or her friends or relatives. 

Shankhpal Kalsarpa Yoga
When Rahu is placed in the 4th house and Ketu is in the 10th house then Shankhpal Kalsarpa Yoga is created in the birth-chart. The person may face economic problems and mental stress due to the influence of this Yoga. He might face difficulties in matters concerned with his mother, relatives and land.

Padma Kalsarpa Yoga
When Rahu is placed in the fifth house and Ketu is in the 11th house Padma Kalsarpa yoga is created in the birth-chart. Due to the influence of this Yoga, the person may feel disgraced. He may also face difficulties in parenthood due to some diseases. Problems may occur in higher education and in making economic progress as well as create a tendency for dissent in the old age due to the influence of this Yoga. 

Maha Padma Kalsarpa Yoga
The person who has Rahu in the 6th house and Ketu in the 12th house in his birth-chart has will the Mahapadma Kalsarpa Yoga. The person may face difficulties because of his maternal uncle. Due to disappointments in his life he might face afflictions. He may face physical problems for a long time. In matters of love they are unfortunate. 

Takshak Kalsarpa Yoga
The position of Takshak Kalsarpa yoga is opposite to Anant Kalsarpa Yoga. In this yoga, Ketu is in the Ascendant and Rahu is in the 7th house. As a result, he may face conflicts in his married life. In matters of business, partnership will not be beneficial for him and give rise to mental stress.
Shankhchooda Kalsarpa Yoga
When Ketu is in the 3rd house and Rahu is in the 9th house in the birth-chart the Shakhchooda Kalsarpa Yoga is created. The person who is influenced by this Yoga, may not receive happiness in his life. He may also not get love and affection from his father. He may also make frequent losses in his business.

Ghatak Kalsarpa Yoga
When Ketu is in the 4th house and Rahu is in the 10th house in the birth-chart, Ghatak Kalsarpa Yoga is formed. This yoga gives rise to conflicts within the family. He may face difficulties in the field of job or livelihood.
Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga
When Ketu is placed in the 5th house and Rahu is in the 11th house in the birth-chart then Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga is created. Due to the influence of this Yoga, the native may have difficulties regarding his children. He may face problems related to eyes and heart. He may also have a weak memory. Problems may also occur in his higher education, and his respect and honor in the society may decline. These are the symptoms of this Yoga. 

Sheshnag Kalsarpa Yoga
When Ketu is placed in the 6th house and Rahu is in the 12th house in the birth-chart then this Yoga is created. Due to this yoga, the person may have many enemies who may not show their real side but conspire behind his back.  They may also unnecessarily get involved in legal hassles. He may get mental stress and face defamation. But one of the good things about this yoga is that he will get fame after his death. 

If a person has the Kalsarpa yoga in his birth-chart, he need not be worried. Because the presence of other Yogas of planets also has their influence and importance on the native. If the combination of other planets is auspicious in his birth-chart then he will not bear any serious difficulties in his life and things will be in his favor.

  • Anant
  • Kulik
  • Vasuki
  • Shankhpal
  • Padma
  • Mahapadma
  • Takshak
  • Karkotak
  • Shankhchud
  • Ghaatak
  • Vishdhar
  • Sheshnag.
The Kaal Sarp Yog is of two types- Ascending and Descending. If all the seven planets are eaten away by Rahu’s mouth then it is called Ascending Kaal Sarp Yog and If all planets are situated in back of Rahu then it is called Descending Kaal Sarp Yog is formed.If all houses situated between Rahu and Ketu have planets then Kaal Sarp Yog is fully effective. If Sun or Moon is present with Rahu or Ketu then this yoga is more lethal or danger. If Rahu, Sun and Moon are all situated together then Grahan Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. This is 1000 times more powerful then any other kaal Surp Yog. For such a native it is very important to arrange for remedies as soon as possible and shanti of Kaal Sarp Yog is required. If in horoscope all 7 planets are between Rahu and Ketu but partially few planets are outside the axis of Rahu and Ketu then Partial Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. If only one planet is outside the axis of Rahu and Ketu then also Partial Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. It won’t effect much.

Remedies to reduse the effect of kaal Sarp Yog:
    -   Establish Kaal Sarp Faults Removal Yantra in your home and worship it regularly.
-         Recite Nav Nag Stotra daily for one year.
-         Recite Hanuman Chalisa daily.
-         Worship a snake made of silver on Nag Panchami, remember your ancesters (pitra) and give this snake to flowing water (such as a river) or sea with a devoted mind.
-         Feed birds for 1¼ month by barley.
-         Fix a swastik made of silver at an auspicious time on your main door and on its both sides fix snake figures made of metal.
-         Wear Agate (Gomed) at an auspicious time after due procedures of recitation etc.
-         Observe fast on 16 Mondays.
-         Wear Nagpaash Yantra at an auspicious time after recitation of mantras.
-         Boil pine, musterd and loban (Benzoin) in water and take bath with in such water daily for 1¼ month.
-         Worship a pair of snakes made of metal properly at Sangam of Alahabad and offer it to river along with milk and also do tarpan shradh once at Sangam.
-         Arrange recitation of Vedic mantra of snake by a Brahmin (or recite it yourself). Recite the Mantra after proper worship of snake deity.

Om Namostu Sarpebhyo Ye Ke cha prithvimanu,
Ye AntariksheYe Divi Tebhyah Sarpebhyo Namah.”

Note: It is very important to be chanted by priest.
Recite Mantra 31000 times. However in kaliyug 125000 times recitation is recommended and after recitation the snake is flown in the river after hoam etc.
Procedure for fast for Rahu and Ketu:
This fast should be started on first Saturday of bright half of month. Total fasts-18. Wear black cloth and recite 18×108 or 3×108 times the basic mantra of planet. Then take water, doob (grass), and Kush (grass) in a small vessel and give it at the root of peepal. Take in your meals sweet choorma, sweet bread, and according to time revri, bhugga, sweets made of til(sesame) and donate the same things. In night light an earthen lamp and keep under the root of peepal.
Alms for Rahu:
-         Donate agate, gold, lead, til (sesame) musterd, blue clothes etc.ers, sword, blankets, horse etc from time to time.
-         Donate especially at the time of eclipse agate, gold, lead, til (sesame), musterd, blue clothes etc.
-         On every Pushya nakshatra do Rudranbhishek of Mahadeo and offer milk and water.
-         Do abhishek (bathe the deity) of Mahadev for 30 days during the month of Shravana.

Note: Kindly note that worship of Kaal Sarp Yog is done only by wooden sandal. 
Don’t use sindoor, roli(red lead) etc.


  1. kaal sarp dosh calculator - Kaal Sarp Dosh or yog is a serious condition in the horoscope of a person. As per Hindu astrology, when all the seven planets are hemmed between the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu, Kaal Sarp Yog is occurred. Rahu is the serpent’s head while Ketu is the tail of serpent’s. We offer kalsarp dosh puja and other remedies online in Delhi NCR at affordable prices.
